Recently as I was going through a tough time, I heard a voice inside of me say “SELF LOVE IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER! I was immediately like YES!!!! But then I thought about the ways to really achieve this.
Sometimes when we make the wrong choices both personal and professional, it can be easy to go into a spiral. Especially if we had the intuition on it before that is wasn’t a good thing for us or even if if was blatantly clear. But yeah, maybe. There is always a yeah, maybe. And with a yeah maybe you can be pleasantly surprised how amazing things can turn out differently. But more often the case, if you had a hunch, you were probably right.
I have a friend who makes her living as an intuitive. She was in a disastrous relationship. I said to her “Didn’t you have a feeling that this person was wrong for you?” She said she absolutely did but then thought “yeah but maybe.” The important thing is to not beat ourselves up when the yeah but maybes don’t work out positively. It is not a bad quality to look for the best in all situations but also keep an eye out for the exit sign -especially when things are new.
And there are the situations that are not so new. When I go to visit my narcissistic mother, I am also gleefully aware that I can leave at anytime. Unfortunately in this situation, I don’t have any yeah, maybes left but I do have them for me. It has been challenging to find a future of pure potentiality under these circumstances but when in doubt – think of all that you have already accomplished, the good in your life or a time when things really worked out and/or all of the above.
It’s important not to get sucked into the negative vortex.
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